July 29, 2010

christmas record...

i was quite skeptical when we first decided that we would follow the ultimate a cappella protocol: make a christmas album.

but now that we're more than half way through it, i'll sheepishly admit that i'm pretty excited. today we tracked more than half of an original song of Ben's and even though i just logged about 10 hours with it, i'm brimming with ideas i'm anxious to implement. looking forward to opening up the Pro Tools session and diving back in.

...stay tuned.

July 11, 2010

adventure tour

it is now officially sunday (because it's 12:10am)
we're in Bend, Oregon which has become one of our famous places on earth.

in review, this tour has consisted of:
-a 2am arrival at a hostel (which we thought was a hotel) whose check-in time ends at 10pm, where in which we woke the security guard who found it in his heart to check us in anyway
-rachel slicing her foot open in a sorta-dirty river in Tennessee
-paul getting his wallet stolen (same river)
-the 4am check-in at the Budget Inn on Holloway in Durham, NC, which turned out to be a crack/whore house, where in which rachel was propositioned by a gentleman from his car who thought her a prostitute, and Ben was grabbed at the shoulder by a cop who told him "do not stay here. you do not belong here. it is not safe here".
-the girls discovered a live scorpion in their room here at the Seventh Mountain Resort in Bend, which ben and i promptly trapped with a glass and a cutting board, and relocated it back to nature (our backyard).

in light of these events, i'd like to designate this tour, "adventure tour".

July 3, 2010


We had an amazing home-cooked breakfast at "ye olde house of pancakes", watched about a dozen butterflies getting buzzed on a small pool of Coca-Cola in the middle of the woods, swam at a competely gorgeous spot along a river, complete with rapids and a big rock to jump off of, rachel sliced her foot open, and paul's wallet was stolen.

T'was a mixed day.